Announcing the 14th Annual Vienna Oktoberfest!
October 7, 2023
11:00am - 7:00pm
The 2023 Oktoberfest event will feature:
- Live entertainment
- 2 Beer/Wine Gardens
- German & Multi-cultural food
- Great Kids activities and games
- Festival Marketplace
- Handmakers Marketplace
- Business Expo Showcase
- And LOADS and LOADS of FUN!!!
The Vienna Oktoberfest event provides an ideal venue to showcase your business to thousands of attendees of all ages. This is an incredibly affordable way to market your business to the VA/MD/DC communities and have a great time doing it!
We are now accepting applications for food vendors.
Please be advised that we will be prioritizing food vendors in the following way:
Priority 1: Are you a Vienna Business Association member?
Priority 2: Is your business in Vienna?
Priority 3: Is your application complete & do we have payment?
Priority 4: Are your food choices unique? (we limit duplication of menus/vendors)
Over the past 13 years, booth space has sold out, so please don't delay or you could miss out on this fabulous opportunity! The deadline to submit your application/ paperwork and payment is Tuesday, September 12, 2023, however, get your applications in early to avoid conflicts/duplications with other vendors.
Booth Space Prices
Food Vendor Main Beer Garden
VBA Member 10x10 $650
Non-VBA Member 10x10 $750
Food Vendor General Festival Grounds
VBA Member 10x20 $300
VBA Member 10x30 $500 (all vendors over 20' long must choose this)
Non-VBA Member 10x20 $400
Non-VBA Member 10x30 $600 (all vendors over 20' long must choose this)
Festival Food Vendor spaces are open to all Fairfax County approved food vendors and are available in 10x20 and 10x30 rental spaces. No spaces larger than 10x 30ft will be accepted.
You must be current on all meals tax filing/payments to the Town of Vienna.
All tables/equipment/grills/supplies/water barrel weights/etc. MUST fit into the space that you register for.
Please keep in mind that Brooke Rental tents have water barrels attached inside your tent to secure the tents. Any vendors who exceed their registered space will be relocated to the end of the food area, or asked to leave. (so please, measure your space!). If you have questions, call us!
We will make every effort to limit duplication of foods offered by vendors. (there will be 1 brat vendor, 1 Asian grill vendor, etc) Priority for registration will go to the first vendor who is fully registered, based on the Priority criteria above.
To be fully registered, you must:
1) Fully Complete online application. Must include menu items and prices
2) Submit payment in full
3) Submit your Certificate of Insurance(COI) with the Town of Vienna and Vienna Business Association listed as Certificate holders
4) Submit the Town of Vienna Meals Tax Registration Form (link below)
All Food Vendors:
- Must provide and display menu, price board and signage.
- Alcohol sales strictly prohibited at any vendor booths
- Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted and must be listed on the application
- Your booth must comply with Health Department and Fire Marshal safety guidelines
- Must pre-register with the Town of Vienna-link to application
- Must be up-to-date with all past meals tax filings/payments in the Town of Vienna
Please register on-line by clicking the "Register Now" button above.
Please download and read the below documents.
•Download and read the full Food Vendor Application and Contract **
•Download the Welcome and Introduction Letter
•Download the Town of Vienna Meals Tax Registration Form
•Download the Meals Tax Payment Form - Payable Nov 17, 2023
By submitting this online vendor registration form and payment you are acknowledging you have read and will abide by the Food Vendor Agreement. All must be received in order for your application to be a complete agreement by September 12, 2023
** Your application, payment & certificate of insurance MUST be received, before your application will be considered final. (please refer to the full vendor agreement link above for specific instructions).
The following documents will become available as we approach the festival:
Oktoberfest Attractions Map
Vendor Load-In/Check-In Map
Vendor Load-In/Check-In Instructions
Alpha Vendor List with Street and Booth #
Numerical Vendor Booth List
Non-Beer Garden Food Vendor Booth Map
Tents and tables are not provided. If a Vendor needs to rent a booth set-up, coordinate tent rentals with Brooke Rental on a first come, first served basis: 321 Mill St NE Vienna, VA 22180 (703) 938-4807
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the following individuals:
Food Vendor Chair: Peggy James
Festival Chair Kathy Georgen:
Non-Food Vendor Chair: Carey Sienicki
Sponsor Chair Peggy James
General information or to join the VBA: