• Mindfulnest  Yoga, LLC

    Mindfulnest Yoga, LLC


    Health and Wellness

    About Us

    Mindfulness. Meditation. Yoga.

    These three practices go hand-in-hand, not only for stretching our muscles, but also stretching our minds and hearts, making more room for positive growth. It's a life-long journey, but starting young--that precious time when our minds and hearts are open--gives us ownership of tools and techniques that help us lead a balanced life.

    I taught a group of five-year-olds an ocean-themed class recently, and I asked them during our closing circle how they could help save the oceans. They came up with three brilliant answers; I shared them with parents, remarking that this generation will indeed change the world for the better. Yoga is certainly not the only way to create kids who are ready to take on the world, but it's a great way to begin that journey. If they know who they are at an early age, and we empower them to go out and help others, together we can change the world.

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    Shannon Agniel
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